Tempting fate!

Woman on a mission this morning to get things done. Certainly in a better state of health than last Sunday.

Whilst sitting at the kitchen table putting the last touches to the curtain tie backs, I heard Amber give a squeal of excitement as she headed for the back door. A very pretty cat was peering round the side of the potting shed. It then hid behind a bush and eventually sauntered out across the patio. Amber was beside herself with excitement. When the cat was safely under the gate we let Amber out and she manically ran round the garden tracking the route that the cat had taken.

We went over to the new house to hang the last of the conservatory curtains. They look good and R is delighted. She tried on the red dress to see if the hem is level at the back, so that I can get it finished!!

A great sense of satisfaction today.

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