Garden pal
TallGirl took a rare dip into sociability by having a friend over. Jamila is a German student studying for three months at school with TallGirl. She is obviously a bit of a linguist - with pretty much fluent French and English, fluent German, obviously, and passable Spanish. Discussing her future with her I said I looked forward to seeing her running an international organisation “yes, I think so” she calmly replied. She’ll go far.
While TallGirl and her discussed international politics (or boy-bands, but I strongly suspect the former) I put up my plastic greenhouse, pegged it down firmly (which from the sound of the howling wind as I type this on Sunday night was a good move) and started autumn weeding. Mr B managed a blissfully lazy afternoon - well deserved with his current stressful life. He found time to make curry for dinner.
I think this fella, watching me putting up the greenhouse, was checking it out as a winter pied-a-terre.
Then we found a daft heist movie to watch.
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