Pomp and...and...More Pomp

Lisa and I and S-I-L Lori went down to the big city (Detroit), and to the big football stadium (Ford Field), to see our niece Sophie (and her band-mates) play in the state band finals.

There were 50 different bands performing in 5 separate tiers. Sophie's group was in tier 3, and it didn't start until 8 p.m.

10 bands...given 3 minutes to set up, and 15 minutes to perform their routine.

The 10 bands were seeded, and it quickly became obvious that as they progressed...the bands became bigger...and they came with more "props."

The band in the upper left was performing in a 1 ring circus, in the upper right..."mice" came out of the hole in the wall, and the band in the lower right (the eventual winner) was doing something about Russia.

Our Sophie is in the lower left. She is the flutist...the farthest to the left.

Uncle Wain (Sophie's Dad) is in the top center...toting off one of the props.

It was a very colorful and music-filled night, but also a long one. We rolled into our driveway at 11:58 p.m., and I was too tired to post a blip.

Sophie's band ended up 7th in the state.

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