Moments in a minor key

By Dcred


For the first time in 631 Blips I've had to back blip, surprising how bad I felt about it, stupid really. The reason is plain to see, we we're invited to Ros & Roy's 40th Wedding Anniversary which took place over in Grange over Sands, after a fraught morning trying (and failing) to get my beloved to put a spurt on we never arrived till nearly dusk, got out with the camera but decided on such an auspicious occasion the blip had to be one of the happy couple, following a sumptuous dinner and much merriment in the bar afterwards including an impromptu concert by two old boys who used to sing in the Bradford Cathedral Choir sixty years ago I never got back into the hotel bedroom before 1am so felt to pooped to go online last night hence my first back-blip.

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