Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight

Under construction in Delft

Little before setting down the sun pierced thro' today's grey clouds and I was on my bike in Delft about to skip under this ugly concrete viaduct that holds the 2 train tracks still.
In 2009 works started here in Delft to realize the railway tunnel and it seems this progresses well on schedule; in 2015 2 tracks will be in use for the 350 trains that pass here per day, then this ugly viaduct will be dismantled and meanwhile works on the other 2 rail tracks will proceed. In 2017 all for tracks must be in use.

And ofcourse there's more than building a tunnel to be done in Delft, the project includes building new houses on top of it and a new townhall, offices the lot; and that project is to be finished in 2020.

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