Poppy Serenade

We went for a bit of an explore this morning while The Bossess's Daz Auto got a new windscreen. This is an all together too common thing here as our roads often have grit edges and when time constrained  drivers roar past to gain those essential extra minutes they can often pull back in front a tad too far left and monetarily hit the verge showering you with flying grit.
It's often a good thing if you can to hit the brakes a tad as they pass to get out of the way. Glass insurance is not something you would try to save money on as too many chips in the vision area of the windscreen and you fail a fitness inspection.
So to kill time we staggered 19,000 steps and then found the local coffee shoppe full to the brim (a growing Wanaka event) so went home instead but these lovely poppies attracted his attention on the way and the mouse had a go too. 
There are some wonderful "post Shutter" programs out there if you still have access to a laptop . These are not the "one click" thingies that abound on phones and iPads but actually provide "art" content controlled by you. Some of the one click ones are very good too. There is, The Boss says, a few folk that think this is simply not on and in some way impure but post manipulation has been happening since photos were invented and the ability to add YOUR expression to a picture is very gratifying as YOU  get to chose the look you like and therefore add value...He says.
 If you are a disbeliever just try it...its a bit like cheese...it grows on you...

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