Squish, Crackle and Snap

Its been quite a day.

Ill try and keep it short!

I had a day off. I had my appointment to see the Boobie Specialist. I had a letter with it letting me know to expect an ultrasound and possible needle biopsy but it ended up just being the Specialist - who then referred me for an ultrasound and Mammogram. Bit of a waste of time but there you go. 

Mr W had dropped me at the hospital so he could go and play squash. I preferred him not to come as he tends to be a little attention seeking and I just wanted to deal with it on my own so after my appointment I walked into town to make a start on the Christmas shopping. Although we have all decided to give each other just once present each this year while we are away skiing, I couldn't resist doing the (grown up) children a stocking!

Then once Mr W had picked me up we headed down to Lewes bonfire. His late best friends wife lives in Ringmer so we parked at her house and got her son, Mr W's Godson, to drop us as close as possible into Lewes as all the roads are closed from 4pm.

We had a great time and it was fortunate Mr W and Linda knew the short cuts. Mr W was born and raised in Lewes so it was his old stomping ground with his best friend Mervyn. This was Linda's first time to Lewes bonfire since she lost her husband.

We bumped into a Police Officer friend of ours (in uniform) then watched the police arrest several people for throwing fire crackers - at a Bonfire parade!! Ridiculous. We had a few gobby youngster next to us shouting abuse at the Police as well so I warned them there was a large one standing right next to me by way of Mr W - retired I know but I didn't want to hear abuse towards someone doing their job. It wasn't the Police who made the rules but it was a shame that they had to choose the procession participants to arrest when there were members of the crowd throwing them too. 

Having said that, I did get hit by one (in the legs and in my Doo Dah!) that went off very close to me but no damage caused!

Once the procession had finished, we got to high ground and watched all the different fire works going off in front of us and behind us. They were stunning. I just don't agree with the amount of money that is spent on fireworks when so many other people or services need it but that will never stop.

And I had a chance to remember my Daddy on the Anniversary of his death, so every time I see a firework I can think if him looking down on them all while we are looking up.

My back was killing me after all the walking and standing and we ended up waiting an hour for a bus back to Lindas but it certainly was a great evening.

I later on found out that my (Step) mum had had a few too many glasses of wine, probably raising a toast to my dad, and had a nasty fall, breaking her ankle badly in 3 places and damaging the Achilles tendon. Poor mum. So the 5th of November will be remembered for quite a few reasons now!!!!

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