a new year!

By Thesalh70

Destinations, cancellations and Nigellissima!

wind sounded v blustery when i woke briefly at 5am, but it had calmed alot when i got up at 6am. another day in Brum today, and i left at 7.30 heading to Derby station, intending to catch the 8.24am to Brum. traffic nightmare, an accident in Derby and no real diversion til drivers had got to it!

eventually got to station, missing the 8.24am to find the next train cancelled. hey ho, eventually got on the 9.10am, slow coach and in just after 10am.

a really good days work in Birmingham. one of the best i've had in weeks. managed to slim down my inbox and can now see the wood for the trees!

on my way to New Street, i called in at Waterstones. I'd seen on twitter that Nigella was book signing from 5pm. spookily enough, i'd got a wedge of her calabrian lasagne waiting for me at home for tea (out of her new book). it'd be rude not to queue for an hour to see the original Domestic goddess! love her! and how pleasant was she. she had time for a few words and was very nice. i told her i'd got the old lasagna for tea, and she said 'lucky you, enjoy it!'

feet killing though, after an hour, and time for the train home.

stepped foot indoors exactly 12 hours after i'd left! whacked!

beaut lasagne for dinner, chill out for an hour and then early to bed tonight. early breakfast meeting in the office tomorrow, need to be in by 7.30am.....night night peeps!

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