Make do and mend

was as usual was no sewing for me so I prattled on about stuff.
The Sculptor guy mentioned starting making models as a boy using Plasticine.

I asked if he knew that it was invented by William Harbutt a local man born in North Shields.

That went onto asking if he knew that local photographer Gladstone Adams invented the windscreen .Except he didn't patent it.
Also Captain Gladstone Adams arranged the burial of the Red Baron and took photos as proof of his Death

I've seen old footage of the burial.

Next conversation turned to old tape recorders.I said I got a Grundig for my 21st so I took off into the loft to blip it.

Noticed its a Fidelity. I had a transistor which was a Grundig.
Can't find it and can't believe it got thrown out.
Not by me it didn't .grrrrr

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