the blink of an eye

By weedave

Boot sale banter and bike

back blip
well up with the lark and down to Lanark for the car boot sale there
got there just after 7.. ( would have been earlier but drove past it twice
parked van up and went to pay ..and found out you need to book in !!!!! , and there wre 3 people infront of us, were told to come back at 8 ..decided to fly up to glasgow and go to one at Polmadie second last place

well what a laugh.. great banter, loads of "interesting" people and made some dosh.. would recommend it
needless to say we did not sell half of waht we too and the van was still pretty full at the end of the day

home for a shower and clean up then off out to friends fro their son's bitrhday and oooh and aah at the motorbike they had bought him

managed to grab this after we got home .... enjoy

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