
By Funster

Final wrapping and packing for Weston Christmas vi

Woke up in the spare bedroom as the delightful hubby had been snoring - downside -not a full nights sleep. Good side - comfy bed all to myself with the radiator on my side :) eventually got out if bed and dud the usual making of sarnies, porridge, feed dog, cat and sit down for 5 minutes to eat breakie. Checked blackberry - no cancellations/additions to the day - so now a quick shower and get Eva up ready for first conference call at 8.30. Drove in as too much to carry today and flooding means trains unreliable. First meeting generated some work I wasn't expecting, couldn't go to gym as waiting for courier to pick up parcel. Fire alarm test evacuation - two in two weeks now - gggrrrr. The good news is that final 3 out of 4 I/s parcels for Weston arrived and now boxes are packed and labeled for drop offs over weekend. Phew - now to bed to chill and read magazine.

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