Twa Boaties

An absolutely flat calm beautiful morning so we took S and G along to the Kirk Cafe.  We met Rev P who was full of banter; he was wearing his dog collar and a leather jacket.  It’s the family I feel sorry for.  Enough to make you turn to plumbing.

Have just heard that Norman has just moved to Selkirk – hope he’s OK as he has spent the previous 80 years in Orkney.  It’s a long way to go for a bannock.   Altogether a good catch up with the Parish doings.  I got told off by Eleanor and Liz.  Made amends by helping with washing up.  I ken what’s good for me.

As instructed I then put the washing in and hung it out, have just started making the tea and setting the fire*.   Surely I can’t go on at this pace? 

*CMC is away from her desk.


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