Tail Up

 After our beloved Kalle had passed away last January, we began to search for a tomboy. We wanted to try out a different breed, because there are certain problems with pedigree cats. The European Shorthair soon popped up – natural, healthy and fine-looking. So Aapo came to us.

The moment he exited the bedroom, he challenged Junnu. We waited for the senior tom to retaliate, but all in vain. Then – just the other day – I started to surf the net to see how the breeders of ES cats describe them. As the descendents of hardy mouser cats brought up north by the Roman Legions, they were bred to fight the worst of vermin. As a bonus they developed an intuitive sense of superiority over other cats. The breeders warn that these cats want to rule the roost. How can we explain that to Junnu and Essu?! No way, man... the ES even have a gene to keep the tail up like those flagpoles the Romans carried around.  

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