Our Child

At the last moment, I was inspired to include a photo of Yasheen in my presentation to IESE's International Coaching Symposium with 120 attendees from all over the world. I said it brought together into one image my core essence (adventure, freedom and possibilities) and purpose (everybody grasping their lives fullest opportunity). I also included a quotation from Kendall's comment yesterday because it is so true as it relates to Dd and I but, also, because I wanted everyone to connect their world and thoughts and actions to Yasheen and his like wherever they are all over the planet. KiH spoke what is, as she always does.

The possibility I held out was that one day Yasheen could co-present with me in perfect English at a future symposium. We can all make such possibilities a reaility for 'our children' if we used our position as (comparative) princes on this earth.

Extra of dinner at the Equestrian Club.

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