Birds and Boats

By Gormac


Wet and miserable start today,expecting thunderstorms this afternoon. I have been trying since 23/08/2012 (My blip photo) to try and improve a better close up. I went to Fremantle this morning but the weather was lousy so I headed off home and stopped at Alfred Cove wetlands (South West of Perth)

There was a beak in the weather and the sun finally came out for a while,it was there I spotted an OSPREY sitting in a tree by the river.I have always said photography NEEDS a lot of patience and persistence.

To achieve the results, I continually travel to the same area's time and time again. I find things are always changing from day to day and this is how I get my results.

TODAY'S BLIP has taken me over 100 photo's of Osprey's to achieve the photo I wanted. I very much HOPE YOU ENJOY!!!!!!!!

birds and boats

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