Silly Old Man
Biscuit did really well at his Nose Work Trial yesterday. He found all the hidden sources and in a good time too, I think.
Today he refused to search for lavender at all! He knew exactly what I wanted, he just didn't feel like it, so he kept spinning on the spot instead of searching.
I moved the sources to a different place in the training hall and tried again. This time I had placed one under one of the obedience obstacles/jumps in the hall and instead of searching for the lavender scented swab, Biscuit just kept jumping back and forth over the jump.
I gave up and accepted that Biscuit wanted to do something more action packed than Nose Work today, so we did some running exercises - and as you can see - Biscuit was pleased and loved it.
Biscuit will be 14 in December. He has retired from competitions, but it is still important to him to work, train and get challenged. When the younger dogs have a training session, I also do something with him.
I don't mind which kind of activity I do with him - I try to do something different every day - sometimes we do heelwork, sometimes we do freestyle moves, sometimes we do Nose Work and sometimes we do obedience exercises.
I loved that Biscuit could tell me today, which kind of exercises he wanted. We did 'sendaways around cones and jumps. And then we finished with some heelwork. Clever little man. I love him so much.
Hero and Gollum had excellent training too. I enjoy our work a lot at the moment and I think they do too.
Happy weekend
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys
In Nose Work, the dogs learn to search for a specific odor or odors and find the source. In this case the odor was lavender oil. That is the first odor they will meet if they get to go to a competition.
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