In My World

By JoanneInOz

Sheltering from the rain

There is a light at the end of the tunnel!!!

For weeks now I have been working, sometimes seven days a week, to complete the sewing of orders I have, making polo shirts for some of our local schools.

It's the same story every year; just before the end of the year I am bombarded with orders, yet at other times of the year I have no work, so I take what is given, when it is given!

As much as I love to sew, I have been missing the rest of my life! And spending time at home. And adding posts to my blog. And adding my photo each day to blip, and visiting the journals of my blip-friends!

There is an end in sight to the long, tedious days however, as tomorrow I begin my last order of 30 shirts! YAY!!!

During my time away from blip, I have continued to take photos each day and will post back-blips, progressively, as time permits. Today, I have added a few, keeping the writing to a minimum as there is about a month of catching up to do. You can see some of my back-blips here ~

Pink Poinsettia

Pink in the rain

and yesterday, one of my kookaburra friends on The Old Feeding Table.

Today, during a shower of rain this afternoon, my little Butcher Bird friend took shelter on the small clothes line I have on the back veranda. I would not have known he was there, had he not been singing his lovely little song!

I'm really looking forward to all of the events I have coming up during December. And any sewing I do during the month will be purely for fun, rather than profit!!

I'm also looking forward to catching up with all of my blogging and blipping friends as well. I really have missed you all!

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