The past ...

... and the future.

Visit to the „Umwelt Arena Switzerland“ this afternoon with our company outing.

The Umwelt Arena Schweiz is an exhibition and event platform for products and services for a modern, ecofriendly lifestyle. A world of experiences for energy and environmental issues – not theoretical, but something to touch, experience and try out. Many tips on sustainability related to modern-day living and answers to questions about energy and the environment.

Lots to see and discover. Then hands on trying various forms of eco-friendly transport. First time for me on a Segway, on a e-speedbike (up to 45 km/h - addictive!) and some different e-cars (see extra).

About the derelict car:
A Hillman Minx from the 30s/40s, shown in the exhibition and was part of the famous junkyard ‚Gürbetal‘ which was closed and cleared in 2010. Before that the cars were decaying in the woods and a popular photo sujet for photographers. For example:

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