Of Stepping Stones And Spinach

It's spring part two at Shukugawa. This place is gorgeous - and crowded - when the cherry blossoms are out, but it is also beautiful in the autumn, so I went for a lovely walk along the river this afternoon.

After taking a photograph of a train passing through the fiery trees, I noticed the old lady sitting on the stepping stones seemed to be having some difficulty. I asked her if she was OK and she said she needed some help to stand up. I helped her up and then helped her across the stepping stones. She said she wanted to give me a gift to show her appreciation. I said that wasn't necessary but she held my arm and insisted, so I accepted. She gave me a bunch of mustard spinach which she had just bought fresh from a farm shop. How sweet.

Last time I came here for a walk I blipped a man wearing a ladies' swimming costume taking photographs of a Licca-chan doll in almost the same spot. This must be the place for meeting interesting people.

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