Whisky Galore!

Meet my friend L. She has featured in this journal many times because she is a dear friend. Next month she turns 40 (I know, hard to believe - blame it on eating healthily, taking regular exercise, all that jazz). She has decided to do 40 things she’s never done before for this landmark birthday and today we did two of them in gallus Glasgow.

First she wanted to go to A Play, A Pie and a Pint at Oran Mor. This was a good choice and the play was very entertaining.

Second, she wanted to drink a dram of whisky. Despite living in the land of whisky for decades, she’s never indulged. She thought WhiskyFoxtrot would be a good companion for the task and I hope I was up to scratch. We went to the Pot Still on Hope Street (I think we all live on Hope Street at some point) where they have approximately 780 types of whisky... The bartender was superb in helping L narrow this down to five to smell and then two to drink - one each, taking turns. I certainly improved my whisky education and we had two delicious drams. Thank you L!

Then I dashed off to Central to take the train down to London. I certainly prefer the East Coast line but I love being met by Tim.

I wish you all a good weekend.

Time to switch to whisky

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