Chili Friday

Unbelievable for me but AW has managed to successfully grow our own chili peppers and paprika.  I am not too, too fond of it, but I nevertheless intend to try them out in some hot sauce soon, perhaps partly in preparation for the winter holiday break?  Hmmm ... and I have a feeling he will bring back some exotic seeds again to experiment with once we return.

M and I have been chatting about MNL, and agreed that what's going on with J and his hoodlum sycophants is not good, but that whatever we do and however we try to help will be of no use because he doesn't want any advise except that which he wants to hear.  M is sorrowful because she knows she has lost three friends, and I am also sombre about the context of the whole thing because I can't do anything to make things better for J.  On the other hand, it's also a kind of relief to be able to wash my hands of the whole thing.  Let him make a mess of things.  Even his girlfriend Lynn has left, also reluctantly.  Once he's in a quandary again, hopefully he'll learn something.  If he doesn't learn, well, then, he won't learn at all and will have to face the consequences.  Whatever happens, he can't run to me any more.  I've now really and truly done what I could.  He'll be abused and taken advantage of, sure, but I think that that is exactly what he wants because he'll then feel needed and relevant, and hopefully they'll take care of him.

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