By JAM28

Swansea Bay Park Run

Did my second ever park run this morning. First time we’ve run at Swansea Bay. There were 250 people there altogether, despite the less than perfect conditions.
The wind was blowing into our faces on the way out and it was raining which made it difficult for me to see through wet glasses - need a cap! It was also quite slippery as there were a lot of wet leaves on the path and we stopped to help one old man who fell over. He got up and carried on, bless him.
Still managed my fastest time and my fastest ever final kilometre, trying to overtake some fluorescent pink ladies before the finish line - I thought I wasn’t competitive!
It was nice to run by the sea, but as a there-and-back run it was a bit daunting to see people on their way back when we hadn’t reached the half way mark yet.
We treated ourselves to coffee and toast in Costa afterwards and bumped into some friends too, so it was nice to have a catch up.
A good way to start Saturday :)

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