Oxfam bargains

Thinking some more about yesterday’s coaching session.

Two things that I think are connected:
First is that I’m absolutely not one for unpacking memories and hurts and analysing them. I don’t want to thrash out old memories and understand everything about them. I’m a burier and I’m absolutely cool with that.

Secondly, one of my favourite arty things to do is stick down loads of random collage pieces, sometimes even pieces of my own artwork ripped up and stuck down. Then I glue a sheet of tissue paper over and see what colours and shapes show through. Then I paint over bits of it and create a picture.

I’m possibly over-thinking this but it’s like my art is mirroring the way I approach life. Covering the difficult stuff, leaving some to peep through and then painting something lovely over it.

I’m generally a happy, positive person and I think my colleagues must wonder if I’m on happy pills sometimes. But nobody’s happy all the time. Everyone has stuff underneath and maybe my pictures are my way of sometimes letting the underneath out.

Again, I’m cool with that but...yeah...definitely over-thinking!

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