Sneaky Peek

By SneakyPeek

The Faculty

This is the Great Hall in Parliament House, Edinburgh and it's where, by tradition, Advocates can be seen walking up and down discussing cases with their clients. This tradition goes way back in the annals of time when the courts were situated around the Great Hall itself and walking up and down was a way of trying to avoid giving your opponent the upper hand lest they should hear what you were talking about.

The legal profession by its very nature is full of weird and wonderful traditions. For instance, did you know that Advocates should only ever shake hands with each other the first time they meet and that they should never shake hands with their instructing solicitor in case money changes hands by way of a bribe? How true the latter is I don't know but I suppose it does kind of make sense. I have also heard that Advocates should only ever travel first class and they always end their missives to other Advocates with "Yours Aye".

Anyway, the image in this blip isn't great but, hopefully, it's a little insight into my world and I shall be back here tomorrow so watch this space.

Here's a slightly better image of the Great Hall. It has the most wonderful fireplace but sadly you can't see it here.

Ps It's a rubbish image but you get the idea.

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