Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Friends around the table

Very much a people day. Old friends down from Scotland dropped in for brunch and we talked ate and drank tea and coffee solidly for three hours. In The evening we went to Baby Bao in The Haymarket with Mr and Mrs Bear and Frodo and Maud. The food was lovely but the service appalling. I won’t go into detail but at least the manager was excellent and sorted it on every level.

So all in all a good day apart from the weather. Very wet. And a very weird, short blast of thunder and flash of lightning, loud and intense, that made Scoutty cower. My coat got so wet going to Baby Bao that when we left three hours later it was still heavy and damp.

Mind you it’s a heavy coat. Tom Hardy has one the same as mine. Although the difference between me and him is I make it look good.

I love days like this when it’s all about friends around the table. Did have an afternoon nap but apart from that was quite energised...

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