A Life of Laughter

By nlw_93

Time for a Wedding

Aim in life number 21:Go to a wedding

Rory's Uncle got married today, and I got an invite along! It was a lovely day and everyone was so smartly dressed. Rory looked so handsome!

I was in my element, taking photos of everyone, although photographing people is not my strong suit, nor my favourite. It was such an incredible day! I'd never been to a wedding before and it was lovely to get to share the experience with Rory and his family.

No occasion would be complete without a couple of funny photos, and Nicola and I managed that before we even left the house!

I love the traditional values that marriage still holds for so many people, and it was nice to get to witness such strong love between the couple and the family. You could tell everyone was happy to be witnessing the ceremony.

I will admit, the day was made better by the fact that the table names at the dinners were named after the motoGP circuits, and as everyone knows, I love the MotoGP. Anyway, I can score go to a wedding off my bucketlist!

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