
By Dee49

Lady in Red

This is my favourite gloss/lipstick. I've had it for ages and am scared to look to see if No7 still actually make it!!
So trust me when I say, the fact I've used it to draw on a bit paper when I've hardly any left, it must be some occasion :) hehe

Although the colour is toned down a bit now when I wear it, red lippy was what I would never have been without.
I paid a tenner way back when for a matt lipstick and by military precision lip lining, applying, blotting, powdering, applying again....... it never moved all night :)
unless I happened to smooch anyone, but even then, don't mess with my lipstick :)

When I got married at 21, when I was young and stupid no pastel 'bride-ish' colours for me......

So........ here is my 100th Blip.

Can't believe I've made it this far but it's all thanks to you guys, without the warm welcome and encouragement, and of course the banter, I'd never have continued to this point :D

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