
By spishy

She is definitely not amused

and it wasn't because she saw my yesterday blip.

These two ladies were cruising up and down the road trying to entice people in to their flock. I nicely informed them closed the Office blinds and pretended I was out that whilst I respect their faith I am quite content to stick with my current beliefs... well, in that lapsed Roman Catholic sort of way.

I took this shot of them through the half open blinds when they were getting the knock back from all the other residents up the road.

Spookily, that look she is giving me over the top of her glasses is exactly the same look of disapproval that my parents used to give me when they came back from seeing my teachers. It sent a shiver of remembered fear right through me.

There's me worrying I would get sent to the Tower after yesterday's blip and now I've run the risk of being cast in to hell and damnation....

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