Thank you all
These two men, my great-grandfather on the left and his son-in-law, my grandfather, both served in the Great War. One died before I was born, but I know his military history, and that he served in the Royal Naval Division. I knew my grandfather and was told that he was a sapper, but I believe his service records were lost in a fire, and he never talked about his experiences.
Both men survived and returned home, my grandfather to become an engineer in a brewery. He had four children, all born after the war, and the youngest is the woman in the photo, my mother. Here she is in uniform, having joined the WAAF where she trained as a wireless operator and so met my father, who was a wireless operator in the RAF.
Her little part in history is that for a while she worked at Bletchley Park, taking down the morse messages which were passed to the famous team to be decoded.
What courage they had to leave their everyday lives and sign up for a very uncertain future, and how lucky I am that they survived when so many didn’t.
Thank you so much to everyone who did the same, wherever you were.
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