shotlandka's weebig world

By shotlandka

Sunnmøre Museum

Backblip - Last day in Ålesund, and true to form, we made every minute count. Starting with histroty and count, we spent much of the day at Sunnmøre Museum, a folk museum with old houses and boats and some fascinating (and very entertaining) exhibitions about the people and the place. Before leaving Luxembourg, my friend had said that I had to try svele, a local delicacy (kind of like big scotch pancakes). They are traditionally sold on ferries, but none of the ferry journeys we did over the last few days were long enough to serve food, so we did a mad dash round town to try and find some. In the last possible place, we found them, so I had brown cheese in mine and we headed for the airport. Used to UK rules, I was expecting to spend longer at the airport than I had to, which was great too. Then it was goodbye to my lovely host, and a flight to the big city for a few days - Oslo!

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