truth on a tree limb.

By kikilaine

I got in.

I absolutely adore getting mail and today I had three different things to open!

Thing #1: A purple envelope from Albion College that contained star confetti and my acceptance letter! I already knew that I got in but the letter/confetti combination seemed to really make it real for me.

Thing #2: A package from the head of the art department at Albion. I told them I was interested in photography and so now they think I'm majoring in art ahhhh but they are all so nice! The department head sent me a letter and even a lens cloth for my non-existent camera (using a lens cloth on a point n' shoot is like using a toothbrush on your barbie... pretty ineffective)!!!! It was really nice of her seeing as how we didn't even speak really... they must be desperate for art majors

Thing #3: A Valentines Day card from my Grandparents, complete with 2 dollar bill. They're awesome obviously.

I'm very happy that I got all of this mail.
I leave for mexico in 40 hours.

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