Blue Monday

I thought of doing a colour highlight but ended up with a 'miniature' filter highlight.  Also shot it in B&W and the result was more than acceptable but left me feeling slightly depressed.  There is, after all, nothing like colour, and a bit of laughter, to brighten up an otherwise grey autumn day.  Thankfully not too cold but I bundled myself up, just to be sure.

As you can see, went to work, worked, went back home.  An especially difficult day as I wanted to greet J on his 50th birthday but decided not to.  I have told myself that I will not run after that relationship again.  Had we had a fight, it would have been easier.  The fact that he doesn't really give a fig about anyone is what made me close the door.  HBs don't mean a thing when they are neither meant by the giver nor appreciated by the receiver.  He's okay and that's enough.

A load of work to do this week.  In contrast, I hope nevertheless to be able to post 'on time', for a change, even if there may not be much to say.  THANK YOU  for all the stars and comments yesterday and the day before!  What a fab community this is!

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