Lost my gruntle

Today wasn't the best of days. It started OK but went downhill mid-morning when I tried to go for a walk in one of my favourite woods. When I arrived there were a couple of rather intimidating men hanging about (it's a notorious spot for dogging) and I then realised I'd somehow rushed out of the house with two lenses but no camera, so I turned round and drove straight home. Which was a shame as it was a beautiful sunny day.

I had a couple of hours feeling sorry for myself, the usual autumn ennui compounded by the hint of a cold, but eventually picked myself up, did a bit of gardening (when I photographed the brilliantly coloured leaves of our Spiraea) , went shopping and then finished the membrillo and Christmas cake, with Ben's assistance. And I  also managed to repair the SD card release on my little Lumix, and get the zoom working again - which has saved me sending it away for repair.

We tried an interesting new recipe this evening -  tofu with black pepper and chilli - nicely spicy though we did cut down the suggested quantity of black peppercorns which was five tablespoons for four people! Half way through our meal I bit on something hard, but assumed it was a cracked peppercorn. However, I soon realised that the filling on my root-filled canine tooth had dropped off, leaving it quite sharp and jagged. I only went to the dentist on Friday, when I was told the tooth looked fine! So I suppose now I'm just going to have to go ahead with a crown - grrr!

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