November Rose
This morning after being traumatised by the Festival Place Though Police I decided to blip their sign saying that photograph wasn't allowed. However I was unable to locate said notice anywhere...
Instead of a "No Photography" sign I went for this rose. It was a bit dark and there was some wind so I turned on the flash, and that resulted in the background vanishing all together and you'd never thing it was taken at 8 am in (overcast) daylight! At least the lady who grows these flowers doesn't mind me taking pictures of them - in summer she is often outside and says hello as I walk past.
I spent most of the day fighting with the stupidity that is Microsoft Excel. In the end I had to concede that Excel is indeed stupid but that there are several acceptable work-arounds for me to try.
Just before dinner we discovered that a capped radiator tail was leaking - good we discovered it before it did any significant damage. I've tightened up cap and adjusted the TRV, so it seems to be okay at the moment, I'll have to check it again in a few hours. I'll also have to give the plumber who did it a snotty email...
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