This is my favourite photo in the whole entire world - I've cheated a bit for Blip's sake, taken a photo of a photo, since the original was taken at Christmas in 2004.
On the right of the shot, a bit blurry but smiling, is my mum; in the middle, laughing out loud, is my dad; and June is on the left, pretending to glug away. They were the three musketeers. June and mum had been best friends since they met at work at age 15. Mum met dad, and June met John, and they continued to go about together. In his late thirties (early 1980s I think), John died suddenly in his sleep. And from then it was the three of them - they'd go out once a fortnight together then, when they'd all retired, they moved out near Knaresborough, next door to one another. June was more a part of our family than she was her own, and we loved her as one of us.
Now all three are gone. Mum first, June the year after, and dad the year after that. It was a tough few years alright... Sometimes it still is. I saw an advert on tv on Sunday night about the signs of dementia, and it brought me back to when dad drove to Burnley and forgot where he'd parked the car. He had to get the bus home and go back the next day and ask for help from a car parking attendant. We laughed - him too - at his forgetfulness, but what if it was a sign of more. What if... I've been doing a lot of that. I know it isn't healthy, but sometimes I can't stop myself.
But this is how I like to think of them, laughing and clowning around and having fun. I don't know if there's a heaven, or even an afterlife (funny how complete lack of belief turns to wondering after you lose someone you love...), but if there is you can be sure they're enjoying it. I just hope they've got some Babycham, or there'll be tears before bedtime.
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- Htc Desire
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