
By hannahstar


This is me being very tired! This was a very long day.

In the morning we went to The Hexagon (a theatre) for a show/presentation thing called 'Safe Drive Stay Alive' which is basically about safe driving. Lots of other sixth forms and colleges from across Berkshire were there. It was really good, but really, really sad. There were people telling about their experiences, as well as a video thing and also people like police officers, ambulance people and a doctor from a hospital there. Quite a lot of people cried, including me! The doctor was describing people's injuries and it sounded horrific, it actually made me feel sick and 3 people fainted!! So yeah, quite an eventful morning.

Then in the afternoon, after school we had Parents Evening. The inevitable was said: 'Hannah's doing well, but she needs to talk up more in class' or 'Hannah is a very quiet student, she needs to say if she doesn't understand anything' or 'Hannah works very hard but she needs to contribute more in lessons'. Yes, yes, yes, I've heard it all before! I can't help being quiet! It seems to me that there isn't a place for quiet people, everyone wants you to be loud and outgoing. Well, sorry, I'm just not like that! Although, I can be loud . . . at times! :D

After Parents Evening I had my piano lesson which was good. I got home at about 6:00 pm feeling VERY tired!

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