Little Larry Academy

By emyjane2


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He & 'Big Rob' the *other* robin have been battling it out today, sunshine, blue sky, it tricks them in to thinking it's Spring... so Larry kept a look out, so wasn't his usual relaxed singing self.

In fact Larry was incredibly different. He was rigid. Under great stress, watching every move Big Rob made, totally ignoring me & the want for food, for worms.

Suddenly he looked so fragile, a stiff pose on the branch. And suddenly something forced me towards him, slowly, I lifted my hand up & touched him... in fact he let me stroke his back... I think it was a comfort thing, he needed me by his side & for the first time in his entire life, he needed the comfort of gentle touch. It didn't last long, just mere seconds, but his feathers were silky soft & his back warm, I felt every feather glide across my finger. He didn't flinch, even when I brought myt hands back to my side (or in fact my camera) & he just watched me & then hunched his shoulders down, puffed out & relaxed. I can now claim that I've been able to physically calm down a very wired, very stressed robin.

I can't begin to tell you what amazing feelings he stirred in me, this trust, this love, it's not been in my head, it's real, he's real & we have an unconditional bond towards each other. He's got me through the shock & grief of losing my mum & I've comforted him, looked out for him, fed him & now made that ultimate contact with him after 15 months of calling him my best wild friend. :) Feathery xxx's

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