Modeling for her favorite shop today
Raspberry has been working this morning. She's had a modeling request from the owner of the shop where we buy her food. A few weeks ago we shot some photos of some of the other brands the shop carries. Recently, the owner asked me to do some shots with this brand at the request of the local distributor. I happened to be in the shop on a food buying mission yesterday. For years Raspberry has eaten a frozen raw diet(Rad Cat) just for cats from a small company, stocked by the shop. Sadly, Rad Cat has has recently gone of business. Luckily, I have found another frozen raw food that she likes. While I was paying, a woman at another register asked me if I was upset about the Rad Cat situation. She turned out to be the local distributor for the brand Raspberry is showcasing today, Open Farm. She praised Raspberry highly having seen the other shots on the shop's instagram site. She promised to give Raz some free food if she liked the product...she did.
For the Record,
This day came in very crisp and sunny. The coldest night of the season is predicted tonight. There could be snow later in the week.
All hands shaking our heads over the never ever ending White House chaos and staff upheavals.
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