a lifetime burning

By Sheol

Waiting in anticipation

Still sealed.  Untouched.  Waiting for the right moment.

This is the bottle of Single Cask Distillery Only Release Bruichladdich Islay Single Malt Scotch Whisky that I came home with at the end of this year's motorbike trip to the Highlands and Western Isles with Incredibish.  He has one just like it, and I'm pretty sure that he's not opened his bottle either.

I could keep it until this time next year, when I will be looking forward to my 60th Birthday;  I could, at least in theory.  I am not at all sure that I have the strength of will that this would require.  

Fortunately, or unfortunately (depending upon your perspective), I currently am on some medication which has the side effect of putting some stress on my liver.  As long as I am not doing anything else that stresses my liver this is not a problem.  But unfortunately drinking alcohol has the same side effect.  Which means that nowadays despite appearances to the contrary I don't actually drink very much alcohol at all.  I don't for example, get anywhere near troubling the Government's recently reduced weekly recommendations on alcohol consumption.

Which means that when I do get around to opening this little beauty it is going to take me a while to get through it - one sip at a time as it were :-)

This is by way of yet another Emergency Blip.  I have spent the day in the office at work, not even managing to get a quick break at lunchtime, so the opportunities for photography were rather limited.

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