Modern Slavery

Went to an event at church tonight run by two of our church who work in organisations that fight modern slavery or helping victims to get back in their feet after getting out of it.

Shocked to find out that it is estimated that 136,000 people are currently slaves in the UK. Loads more I could say that was shocking!

At the moment if someone gets out and authorities acknowledge they were victims of trafficking, they only get 2 weeks care! These people often speak no English, don’t understand the British system, we’re already in vulnerable situations before they were trafficked, have abuse to get over, have health problems, no income, potentially in a lot of debt (some traffickers not only register their slaves for benefits and take it all themselves, but also open 5 or 6 bank accounts in the slaves name and max out the overdraft and keep all the money for themselves whilst ruining the slaves chances of getting any kind of financial support when they escape!) - etc. Etc. But after two weeks they are pushed out the door to fend for themselves! There is a bill currently going through parliament which is looking to extend this to one year’s support. If you live in the UK could you send a letter to your MP to ask them to support this bill? Takes less than a minute!

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