When Siama met Max

Neither of us could believe that it had been so long! I knew Siama hadn’t met Max but it surely couldn’t have been a year?!!
I have felt terrible for leaving if so long and there’s no excuse other than life taking over. Thankfully Siama took time out of her crazy busy life too and travelled down to see us for the day.
From the minute she got here we had so much to catch up on and before we knew it Anya needed picking up from school! Max took very quickly to Siama but then who wouldn’t; she’s one of the most contagious, kindest, funniest people you’ll meet. Anya too was thrilled to be able to spend some time with her before she had to hit the road for the long journey up North.
As always it was wonderful to see Siama and to be reminded of many happy times spent in my first few years as a teacher with more than just an amazing TA but a friend made for life.

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