breaking free...

...from ice

already formed - on the little lake i visit... it surprised him - trapped him - caught him off guard... then he didn't know quite what to do to get out - away from it... i tried to encourage him to turn back around - retreat the way he'd come from, but he didn't understand... finally with a great heaving wing motion - he broke free...

do you ever feel like that - as though there's something holding you down - pressing in - on all sides - you just can't get out - away... no matter how hard you try - there's no escaping? i have a sister who seems to be in some dire straights at the moment - in a bit of despair - perhaps estranged from her kiddos... not a fun place to be -

as i saw this goose struggling - i thought of her, along with the rest of us... how there are those times - or things in our lives - when all we need to do is break free and it would simply make for...


happy day.....

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