Sunbeams (Day1289)

After the morning woofer wander, the plan had been that I would head out to deal with a job a customer has been wanting me to do for a little while. Unfortunately, my plan was scuppered as he was unavailable. 
I did a bit of paperwork, booked the ferry for a job overseas on Monday, ordered some parts for another job then contemplated what else to do with the morning.
It was a bright and sunshiny morning and, when my beautiful wife suggested that we go out for a ride on the hosses, I couldn't come up with a reasonable excuse not to go. I got on better today than I did the last time, and did some more trotting and cantering. I didn't crash and the cantering wasn't as horrific as it had been last time. I might even have enjoyed it a little bit.
After a quick lunch at home, we took the dogs for a wander along the shore at Stromness. The sky was fabulous and it was great to be able to take a shot or two with the now fixed camera. 
All in all it has been a good day. 

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