Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB


Probably about 50 hours work spread over two weeks and An Appain Distillery is finished.  Been a tricky little devil in parts, not least working out all the roof angles and intersections but I'm pleased with the result.  The mono pic shows the buildings resting on a rocky edge like so many of the island distilleries but this is a trick of Photoshop and the iPhone.  The building is real though!  I thought I'd try a black and white shot to try and recreate a period feel to the scene.

I've been promising for a couple of years that Port Appin would have a distillery so I thought it was about time to get my act together and crack on with it.  One extra shows the little locomotive I bought nearly 2 years ago to be used as the distillery engine.  Another is an overview of the model (poor pic) and an attempt at interior lighting.  The colour pic shows the model sitting on a rock in very false colour - to try and get a mono conversion to look contrasty.

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