
By jp70


When people ask what I do it's not easy to answer. I'm a stay at home mum, but my kids are growing up quickly. They have disabilities, so I'm a carer. But it's not a job. I'm not employed and I don't get paid.

I spend my time fighting their corner(s) and completing paperwork. I currently have 3 large forms to fill in. Booklets. About finances and health needs. That makes me a PA and an advocate.

I sort their personal care (including toilet stuff) and I help them dress, sort out their activities (involving employing actual paid carers...) and translate their anxiety driven behaviour into needs that I then need to meet.

Today I spent over half an hour on hold. Listening to Vivaldi on the DWP helpline for PIP (the latest disability benefit). No one answered. On Monday I'll have to join the queue again.

I urge you to watch this series. "It's called There she Goes". It's billed as a comedy but it has moments of joy and darkness. Much like life. Unless you walk in my shoes you may feel bad about laughing... you may not even laugh.


And watch the film I, Daniel Blake.

I worry about who will care when we've gone. There needs to be more compassion in this world. We need to look after our vulnerable citizens.

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