welcome to the real world

By dobbin

Portsmouth Day 2

So on Friday Joe drove to me in Reading and we packed up to drive to Portsmouth for the weekend for his South East regionals.

First day of racing he absolutely nailed. 100 free 52.7, 200 fly 2:15, 400 free 4:03 (awesome race to watch he looked so strong and smashed the heat). Managed to finish at the pool by 2:30. So we treated ourselves to a shopping spree at the closest outlet centre. Ate at pizza express then straight to the hotel to bed!

Today was another awesome day of racing. Starting with the 200 free 1.54!!! Got him into the final! Then the 100 fly 1:01. Just as the second session was starting, the fire alarm went off so we all evacuated. Within ten minutes we were back in our seats, only to be evacuated again after being assured there was no fire?! At this point all swimmers were given foil blankets, as shown! After a little while we were back in and Joe had his 1500 and 50 left.

1500 was the best race I’ve seen him swim in a long time! I cried as he finished. 16:05! A huge PB and a great swim. I could tell from 400m in that it was going to be a gooden. 15mins later he was in again for the 50 free 25.4 then another 30mins later back again for the 200 final! 1:54 - really good swim after all he’s had this weekend!

Was a genuine pleasure to spend this time with him and watch how far he’s come! Forever making me a proud sister x

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