Tufted patron

triangle cafe

tufted traveler
on branch
and breeze
triangle topknot
teardrops fixed

seedy selection
bird beak
buffet spread
triangle wing-away

For the Record,
This day came in frosty and cold. I had to find the ice scraper in the barn to clear the windshield for the trip to the train. Sunny and cold all day I expect.

Many birds at the feeders, nuthatches poised for flight, jays eyeing peanuts and a magnificent male cardinal gorging on bittersweet berries . The tufted titmice were the stars, buzzing around everywhere.

The leaves rustled at my feet and I saw a quick glimpse, the dark gray pelt of a tiny mole scurrying home with a prize for breakfast. Too quick for a shot, but such fun to see.

Yum, we're practicing, but this one is a keeper of Jinglekringleberry...

Not really in the mood...

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