Number Five Is In The Bag

I completed my fifth Kobe Marathon today. Not a great time, just under five hours, but I knew it wouldn't be as I my sinuses are all messed up with a cold at the moment. I saw few of my pupils and their parents out to support me so that was really sweet. My friend Randy and I went for an extremely welcome sento after the marathon. While we were at the sento, his American friends, Carlos and Lara, hung out in Tower Records, then we met up again and took a taxi to the Brazilian restaurant for a delicious, filling celebration meal. 

As we were sitting down, I noticed that Carlos had purchased Gary Numan's Pleasure Principle on vinyl. Turns out that along with Numan, they are into Bauhaus, Siouxsie And The Banshees, Marilyn Manson and Nine Inch Nails. Clearly, very cultured Americans, suitably offended at Randy's request for a present from America; a M.A.G.A. cap (which he wore with irony rather than pride, thankfully.)

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