Let There Be Light

It seems to us that since we moved into this house at least one bulb per week has blown and had to be changed!  When we consider the number of bulbs, that's maybe not surprising, but the problem comes in trying to find a replacement.

We brought some bulbs with us and the previous owners kindly left us some too, but it is still a nightmare to find the right one for the job.  Is it bayonet or screw top (two sizes of these!)? dimmable or non-dimmable? clear or opaque? bulb shaped or candle? halogen or not? large bulb or small? normal bulb or curly one? and when it comes to wattage, where do you begin?!!!  All those numbers which are different from each maker, some giving the equivalent in old wattage and some talking in Gh.

Oh for the days of straightforward 40, 60 or 100 watt and nearly always bayonet:-)  When did it all go so wrong?

Rant over, but the whole exercise has wasted a perfectly good Sunday afternoon when we could have been doing something much more interesting.

However, this evening should cheer us up, as we are off to the Caird Hall in Dundee to see the Russian State Ballet dance "Swan Lake", our favourite ballet:-)  Will catch up later (and hope the outside light is on when we come home in the dark!!)

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