Kit's Year

By Kit267

He Soon Lets Me Know By Not Doing What I Expect!

A rather crazy week work-wise with a few days away at a meeting. As I was hosting the meeting for the UK team, I was feeling the pressure and I was very relieved that it all went really well and everyone seemed to really enjoy it.

I took China to a dressage clinic this morning and once we had both relaxed and settled into it, I really enjoyed it and China went really well. China has much more natural ability than Johnny and if I press the right buttons he responds beautifully, on the flip side, if I don’t quite get it right he soon let’s me know by not quite doing what I expected :)

I have been quite remiss in taking my camera out and about with me this week so it was quite nice to be able to spend some time pottering in the garden with my camera in the glorious evening light.

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